All systems are operational

Skipperblogs services status

Real-time information on system performance and availability

Past Incidents

1st August 2023

False status of the AIS system

After the major update of the core application, the status of the AIS tracking system was reporting a Partial Outage of the system. Actually the system was and is working properly but the miss reading of this system status was due to an error of the self-test function.

12th March 2023

Support Support server update

We are updating the support server, but the operation takes longer than usual. This impacts support tickets submission via Skipperblogs dashboard but not tickets via e-mail. We are working on putting the service back up.

15th October 2022

Frontend Websites Incident on Skipperblogs subdomains websites

We have an issue with the SSL certificate running for subdomains. Some websites are unavailable for the moment. We are investigating.

13th September 2022

Skipperblogs dashboard Authentication problem

During the last core application update, a problem disrupted the authentication system and it was not possible to log in the dashboard. A cookie name configuration for the session was wrong. The interruption lasted about 30minutes and the issue is now solved. I'm really sorry to have hold you up today!